Since 1949, for more than 60-years, Paul has been doing spiritual healing metaphysical work, along with laying-on-of-hands in His Name. When he was 8 years of age, he had his calling: “Ye that believeth on me, the works that I do, will ye do also; and greater works than these shall ye do because I go unto my Father.” Paul’s answer was immediate, sincere, and permanent. “Yes, I choose to follow you!” Along with this experience came many years of preparation, which included class teaching in Christian Science, a good background in the King James Version of the Holy Bible, and wonderful experiences in the Episcopal, Methodist, and Christian Science churches. He has written several books that might interest you. They appear to the right of this column. Please click on each book to see summary, reviews and Table of Contents. All the books are available for purchase at Amazon or your local bookstore. Look for his books on Kindle.

Thank you for visiting this Blog and please feel free to contact Paul at:, or

Rev. Paul Lachlan Peck

P. O. Box 2583

Capistrano Beach, CA 92624

Friday, April 23, 2010

Psychometry can work for you

Everyone has the inherent ability to utilize some psychic ability. Intuition, for instance, is a familiar sixth sense (Extra Sensory Perception). This ESP presents itself in many studies: dream analysis, psychic readings, palmistry, psychometry, and so forth. This little essay centers on psychometry, something that I have used for more than seventy years—mostly successfully.

From Wikipedia: “Psychometry (from Greek: ψυχή, psukhē, "spirit, soul"; + μέτρον, metron, "measure"), also known as token-object reading or psychoscopy, is a form of extra-sensory perception characterized by the claimed ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. Psychics assert that an object may have an energy field that transfers knowledge regarding that object's history.

“Psychometry is commonly offered at psychic fairs as a type of psychic reading…Although a subject of controversy, psychics who use psychometry have been used by law enforcement as psychic detectives "as a last resort [and] as an investigative tool with caution" for providing clues not directly admissible in the court of law such as a criminal's character, or the location of dead bodies. Many police departments around the world have released official statements saying that they do not regard psychics as credible or useful on cases.

Early on, my father showed me how to dowse for water. He had me hold a cherry branch with both fists gripping it tightly and pointed upward, with the pointed end of the branch held out in front of me. (I thought that he must be over-working!) “Don’t let the end of the branch point downward,” he said. And then I walked back and forth quite near the house that we were building, seeking an ideal spot to dig a well for water. Within fifty feet of the house, the end of that cherry branch bent downward! I was gripping it so hard that the bark peeled away from it! Dad then asked me:

“How many feet to we have to dig for water?”
“Seventy-three feet.”
“How much water will it produce?”
“Forty gallons per minute; it’s over an underground stream.”

A week later, the Durham Drilling Company came and drilled for the well, and then dropped the pipeline—71 feet! And the well produced 45 gallons per minute.
Over the years, I have dowsed for several wells—every single one of them coming in with water. Dowsing is really a cousin of psychometry, using different tools to arrive at the answers. Some psychics use other media in their work. I have been rather adept at dowsing, using rods, crystal balls, and what have you for getting answers.

At other times, I have the client write a question on a “billet”—a sheet of paper folded over, with only a code to identify the person. Or, I have held an object owned by the subject of the investigation, and have been able to either give information about the past or the current statue of the subject—say, for someone who has disappeared. This, of course, is true psychometry. In my book, “Worth the Room”, I discuss many of these cases, cases which involved my working with police forces around the country, the FBI, and Interpol. In most cases, we have been successful. There have been a very few where I have missed. And this weighed on me greatly because they involved people who had been murdered.

“There is nothing hid that shall not be revealed, and there is nothing lost that shall not be found,” paraphrases a verse from the Holy Bible. I truly believe that man can know exactly what God, as Divine Mind, knows. However, one must keep oneself ready to serve and be well-prepared when the calls come in. Keeping oneself spiritually “fit” is an important daily activity, or so methinks.

It doesn’t really matter what one’s religion might be. The important thing is to stay close to God, the closer the better in order to realize one’s fullest potential.

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